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TEM-UCA: Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanomaterials

Workshop Programme


This day, besides the registration and opening event, is devoted to introduce to the transmission electron microscopy field with emphasis to the basic background related with the electron-sample interactions and their correspondence imaging techniques. In addition, we will be introduced in the field of electron crystallography and, with the help of a computer, we would easily interpreted atomic resolution images, obtain useful information from electron diffraction patterns and build complex nanostructures. During the afternoon, Practical Labs focused on Electron Microscopy Image Simulation and  Image Interpretation will be introduced with demonstrations using the TEMserver web page.


Registration and Workshop Opening


Title to be announced soon

Luisa Ruiz González – Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain


Coffee Break


Practical Lab Group:

Computer-assisted Electron Crystallography

José Antonio Pérez Omil – Universidad de Cádiz

Aula de Proyectos


Poster Session




Practical Lab Group A:

Introduction to Image Interpretation

José Juan Calvino Gámez – UCA

Juan José Delgado Jaén – UCA

Practical Lab Group B:

Electron Tomography

Ana Belén Hungría Hernández – UCA

Miguel López Haro – UCA

INF3 Aula de Proyectos



This day fully integrated by several Practical Labs continuing with Electron Microscopy Image Simulation and  Image Interpretation, Nanoparticles Modelling and Simulation: this practical issue will be devoted to continue with demonstrations using the TEMserver web page. X-Ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy and Electron Tomography: practical aspects about these techniques will be addressed.


Practical Lab Group A: 

Microscopes S/TEM

Practical Lab Group B: 

X-Ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy

Juan Carlos Hernández Garrido – UCA

Electron Microscopy Divission @ SCiCyT INF3

Coffee Break


Title to be announced soon

Paulo Ferreira – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal


Poster Session




Practical Lab Group A:

Nanoparticles Modelling and Simulation

José  Antonio Pérez Omil – UCA

Practical Lab Group B:

Introduction to Image Interpretation

José Juan Calvino Gámez – UCA
Juan José Delgado Jaén – UCA



Continuing with X-EDS and nanoparticles modelling & simulation, this day will introduce practical Labs on Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS), from basics and advanced applications will be introduced. The practical lab will explore the use of Gatan Microscopy Suite for processing purposes. The three-dimensional characterization of nanomaterials will be introduced by an electron tomography practical session using Inspect3D© software.


Practical Lab Group A

Microscopes S/TEM

Practical Lab Group B

Electron Microscopy Image Simulation

Ramón Manzorro Ureba – UCA

Electron Microscopy Divission @ SCiCyT INF3

Coffee Break


Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy in the age of data science

Francisco de la Peña – Université de Lille, France


Poster Session




Practical Lab Group A:

Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy

Susana Trasobares Llorente – UCA

Luc Lajaunie – UCA

Practical Lab Group B: 

Nanoparticles Modelling and Simulation

José  Antonio Pérez Omil – UCA



Plenary talk from invited speaker will introduced several advanced aspects regarding in-situ electron microscopy. During the afternoon, practical labs.


Practical Lab Group A

X-Ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy

Juan Carlos Hernández Garrido – UCA

Practical Lab Group B

Microscopes S/TEM

INF3 Electron Microscopy Divission @ SCiCyT

Coffee Break


Improving the Resolution and Sensitivity of High Spatial Resolution, In-Situ and Ultrafast STEM/TEM Through Integrated Sparse Sampling Approaches

Nigel Browning – University of Liverpool, United Kingdom


Poster Session




Practical Lab Group A:

Electron Tomography

Miguel López Haro – UCA

Ana Belén Hungría Hernández – UCA

Practical Lab Group B:

Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy

Susana Trasobares Llorente – UCA

Luc Lajaunie – UCA

Aula de Proyectos INF3


We continue with more exciting symposium lectures with experts in all the fields of electron microscopy related with the topic: Advanced Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscopy: State of the Art. Visit to the Electron Microscopy Services will be organized.


Practical Lab Group A:

Electron Microscopy Image Simulation

Ramón Manzorro Ureba – UCA

Practical Lab Group B:

Microscopes S/TEM

INF3 Electron Microscopy Divission @ SCiCyT

Coffee Break


Quantitative Assessment of the Ultimate 2D and 3D Structure of Metal Phases : Contributions of AI tools

José Juan Calvino Gámez – Universidad de Cádiz


Closing ceremony


Lunch & Farewell